Tariro Youth Project turns 9

On the 29th of August TYP turned 9. It was formed in 2009 by Rev Cannon Mtasa, Father Nicholas stebbing, Dr Beata Tumushime, Fr John Livesley and Rachel Beck. These people are still the prominent leaders of TYP, with Rev Cannon Mtasa being the chairman. Our first mass with the

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Glendah – Our first sister to have the bridal price paid for and to be wedded on the 27th of October 2018!

On the 23rd of the month of June, we were elated to hold the bridal price event for our eldest sister, Glendah Farirepi, the first of the Tariro girls to get engaged. She emulates the paths taken by Byron and Fidelity as she is to be espoused to Shadreck Chigango

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Eunice Masendeke’s 22nd birthday

On the 28th of June, Eunice turned 22. As a family we want to say, “Happy birthday Eunice, may your day be filled with non stop laughter and joy. You have ran after happiness for 22 years, now let happiness follow you as you become the symbol of love and

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Wellington’s  27th BIRTHDAY.

On the 22nd of August, we woke up to celebrate Wellington’s 27th birthday. As TYP family we want to say,  “ happy birthday Wellington, may the Lord continue to shower you with blessings. May you continue spreading kindness . At the age of 27 you have seen half of what

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TYP’s piggery project.

As TYP family we would like to inform our sponsors about the piggery project which we are about to start. Rev, Cannon Mtasa came up with this brilliant idea for us to raise some funds for fees and other basics through keeping some pigs. We would buy them as piglets

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Tinashe and Tatenda turned 20 on the 7th of August 2018.

    On the 7th of August we woke up to the celebration of the twins’ birthday. The pair finally bid their farewells to teenage years and stepped into the years of young adults. We wish them many more years to come as they growth in both body and spirit.

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St Paul’s Marlborough Mothers Union Visit.

No gift is as precious and profoundly appreciated as the gift of spending time together. We, as the TYP youth, happen to be blessed with this gift on numerous occasions and on the 21st of July it was the Mothers’ Union from St Paul’s Marlborough Anglican church led by Mrs

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  Tafadzwa turned 22 on the 8th August 2018. Birthday is the time of celebration; we wish you more wonderful days with loads of love and surprises. May your birthday gives you the best memories till the next one, may you have success waiting ahead. We wish you all the

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Service with Rev Fr Mike Eggleton

On Thursday the 28th of June we were blessed to have Rev Fr Michael Egleton of St Bartholomews Anglican church in Wiggington, England pay us a visit and celebrate church service for us. It was a beautiful evening as it began with melodious music from the TYP choir. We had

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Tariro Youth Symposium

A great week full of activities we had at Resthaven Retreat.  The Tariro youths came from across Zimbabwe, some as far as Chipinge, Mutare and Shurugwi. On the first day Fr. Rev Mutasa set the tone – Dare to be a Daniel- the theme we centred on the whole five

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