Rebuild broken lives and dreams through faith, hope and unconditional love.


As we reflect as Tariro Family on our spiritual journey, we remember times of questioning God, praying in times of need, and asking why certain things happened the way they did. Our journeys have brought us through rough patches, and we have learnt a lot from the experiences. Looking back at the experiences where we thought God had forgotten us, or God hasn’t been with us, He showed us that He has been right on our side all along. Back in the days during the difficult times before joining Tariro family we didn’t attend church every Sunday and pray before every meal or even just to praise the Lord every moment. We questioned some of the ways our church wanted us to learn about God. We even questioned God about certain events in life and why they happened. We look back on this to show ourselves how learning from God and about Him is not always done in a church but also at home.


The establishment of Tariro home is truly a blessing to every member of the family as we do prayers together every morning, afternoon and evening with the help of our mothers, Sister Placky and Sister Anna. They guide us on how we should grow in the spirit through praying, reading the word of God, fasting, bible quizzes, singing worship songs as well as hymns from Anglican church. We also do church services every Thursday with Father Reverend Canon Mutasa who is one of the family trustees.


We really enjoy these moments of praising God as a family. We are learning that many individuals turn to their spirituality, find their faith, or pray that their belief will bring them comfort. Our spiritual journey is teaching us lessons through our different backgrounds. The journey is not perfect, and we are still learning from it. It has taken us through good times and some rough times in our life. The bad times never stopped us from increasing our faith in God or being mad at Him, but we take it as parts of the armor to make us strong and be a beacon of light to others.


We have always learned in church, Sunday school, and church camps that God has a plan for everyone. Those plans will not be perfect and will not be easy if we don’t put God first in every corner of life. These plans will teach us about life and who we are becoming today.


At the beginning of this journey, we had no clue about our faith in God but now because of all the guidance that we get from our sweet family, our eyes can now see. God blesses families who pray together, giving them increased peace, love, and harmony in the home.


Below are the pictures for the family praying together and our daily prayer.


Our daily prayer.


TYP family during prayer session.


Bible study time.
