Our 2021 Memorial service was held on 4th of September at Tariro House. The mass was celebrated by our father Rev Mutasa, and it was fulfilling day for all of us. Rev Motsi ,Grandma and Sis Barbs graced the occasion as well.
Like other Memorial days in the past, some kids presented their letters. We all cried out the pain. Rev Fr Mutasa and Rev Fr Motsi then burnt letters accompanied with prayer .
We also unveiled our theme for the year 2022 and was presented by Suzanna
Our theme for this year is “create AN ATTITUDE OF GRATITUDE within us Lord”.
Attitude of Gratitude.
An attitude is a feeling or way of thinking that affects a person’s behaviour. Gratitude is the quality of being thankful and a readiness to show appreciation for kindness.
Our theme simply means that we must always express thankfulness and appreciation for the big and small things in our lives.
As TYP family we have been taught to be grateful and thankful for everything we have.
Our theme is based on 1 THESSALONIANS 5 VS 18; which says” give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you”.
Being grateful brings peace, comfort, and joy in everything we do. This is the most powerful attitude we must adopt and develop as TYP family. This theme is teaching us that we should never stop being thankful and grateful to the people who have helped us .
We will continue to devote ourselves to continuous learning and developing characteristics of gratitude and virtuous living and avoid comparing ourselves with other people. This will help us to appreciate the way we were created by God and everything that we have.
Our challenge this year is to put into to practice everything in this year’s theme and cultivate habits that live out this theme in reality. So we want to start by thanking you for all your efforts, sacrifices and love that you have extended to us. There are no sufficient words to express how thankful we are for everything you have done for us. You have been there to fulfil our needs. You have played an important and precious role in our lives.
Tinotenda and mat God bless you in abundance