Rebuild broken lives and dreams through faith, hope and unconditional love.

Byron and Lydia’s wedding

Joy is the infallible sign of the presence of God.  We felt the full presence of God the whole day   on 3rd of October 2015.

Our dear brother Byron tied the knot with Lydia at a ceremony presided by Bishop Chad Gandiya .It was fitting that Bishop Chad was the leading witness and celebrant as he has been a leading supporter of Tariro.. The day was wonderful and amazing for our brother Byron and his fiancé Lydia. They had been dating for four years.


The morning was fittingly bright, matching everybody’s smiling faces. By everybody was at Baraza Pavilion in Harare, waiting to see the bride and the groom arrive. Byron and Lydia came walking slowly, triggering excitement in everyone. Tariro youth choir could not stop singing and dancing for their brother as he was walking right in front of them.

The bible readings were taken from 1st Corinthians 13 vs 1-7 and John 2 vs 1-12.  Bishop Chad gave a lovely and fitting sermon on love. This surely strengthened Byron and Lydia in love. Love is the life spring of our existence, the more love you give the happier you feel, exhorted Bishop Chad. He went on to say to Byron and Lydia that there should be a moving sea between the shores of their souls….love. He encouraged them to stay in love and work in love because the greatest of all things in life is LOVE. After the sermon it was time for marriage vows between Byron and Lydia. There was s total silence. In front of the Bishop, Byron said, “Lydia, my heart to you is given, do give yours to me so that we lock them and throw the keys away.” With a smile Lydia said “Byron, I love you. It is all I can say. It is my vision in the day and my dream in the night to live with you as my husband.” Immediately there was joyous noise as people were ululating and playing rattles and beating the African drum. The couple then exchanged wedding rings as a sign of endless love.

It was lunch time and people shifted to the reception area which was dazzling with lights of decoration. The Tariro Youth choir continued singing their hearts out. Happiness is what made the Tariro family more pretty because they were like mirrors of happiness as they all reflected happiness. Everyone was served by the Tariro Youth.

Speeches started at around Lydia’s family members were given the first chance, as a sign of respect. They all expressed happiness and thanked Lydia for making the family proud. . Fidelity Mashora (young brother of Byron) was also given a chance and he spoke of the life history of Byron which was initially full of sorrow. He emphasised that Byron didn’t give up. It was fitting that finally he has reached the greatest moment of joy in his life. Lastly father of Tariro family (Canon Mutasa) was given the chance. He seemed to be the happiest person among all the people. He was very proud of Byron for the good example he set for his brothers in the family. Father Mutasa said that, the most effective way of making a difference is to lead by example. He thanked Byron for leading the way and giving the family a proud moment. He also thanked Bp Chad for officiating at the wedding and thanked the Tumbare family for giving us their lovely daughter as a moroora. He urged the Tariro youth to follow the good example set by Byron.

Dancing came to be the last part of the day.” Dancing is a perpendicular expression of a horizontal desire legalised by music” !!!!!!!!!!!!!!. It started with Byron and Lydia who performed lovely slow dances, however, in it, they showed that, dancing is a hidden language of the soul. Later on it was the Tariro family dancing in pleasure and joy.